5/1/13|Submitted by Jeanne Blake

Rufus's Story

The dog on your home page looks just like my Rufus, a half black lab/half newfie, who went on to the Promosed Land on March 19. Like my first dog, Gretta, thekindest chocolate lab who ever lived, Rufus is a rescue dog from a (very) local foster-based organization, as was Gretta. I would never have considered getting a dog from any other place, including out local so-called humane society, which is a throw-back, quick-kill place. Rufus and Gretta were the loves of my life. We were all "oldsters" so we were perfect matches. We are alos sould mates, who carry pieces of each others' hearts, and we believe that our hearts will only be whole when we meet again in the Perfect World to come. I smashed my ankle walking my big boy and shortly afterward he was diagnosed with the condition that ook his life in just two days. I'm working as hard as I can in physical therapy so I can get back to walking 44 blocks a day and adopt another white-muzzler. They are the GREATEST!

-Their life-changed mom.